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With a B.S. of Science Mathematics from Southern University (Baton Rouge, LA) and a Master of Arts in Psychology from Georgia University (Carrollton, GA) Dr. Dillon started his professional career as a Systems Engineer with IBM in 1968. After thirty years of service to the corporation, he retired to fully answer the call of God upon his life and was officially ordained in ministry in 1985. Along with his call, Dr. Warren Dillon continued his education to receive both a Master’s and Doctorate of Theology from Gwinnett Hall Baptist College (Lawrenceville, GA) and a Doctorate of Theology from Luther Rice University in Atlanta, GA.
Along with hisl late wife, Mrs. Velma Dillon, the Dillon’s co-founded, the In His Image Learning Center (1992-present), In His Image Christian Academy-Grades K-12 (1998-present), and Reach One International Missions, Inc. (R.O.M.I.) (1999-present)
Dr. Warren Dillon has taught in numerous capacities. He performs as a Professor of Biblical Studies at Gwinnett Hall Baptist College (1997-present), and Headmaster/Instructor of In His Image Christian Academy (1995-present). He also acted as the Host of “His Image” Radio Broadcast (1985-1997) and has facilitated numerous seminars, workshops, and revivals throughout Georgia, Louisiana, Jamaica, and East Africa.

Under the leadership of Dr. Warren Dillon and Mrs. Velma Dillon, In His Image Christian Church was established in September of 1988. Believing that our footsteps are ordered by the Lord our God, our founding leaders were convinced that whatever we put our hands to do, God himself would prosper it.
With this conviction, the Lord inspired us with our church scripture. Ephesians 2:10 and Romans 8:29. "For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works", "predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son." From these scriptures, the name In His Image Christian Church was selected.
Our doctrine is that we believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Jesus Christ; the Virgin birth; the blood atonement; the bodily resurrection; the baptism of the Holy Spirit; all the gifts of the Spirit; and the personal, visible, and bodily return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If your desire is to experience the un-compromised Word of God, we encourage you to come and fellowship with us.